07740 877 544
Leyland National Refurbishment
For decades, Brian Robertson has been bus painting in Dundee.
Restoring vintage lorries and buses often presents special projects. In this case, the bus painting was planned and researched for several weeks.
Gordon Low, the owner of the 1982 Leyland National, contacted us to help renovate his single decker. He wanted to restore the bus to the Strathtay Scottish Omnibuses Ltd livery. Celebrating the thirtieth anniversary of the former transport company in the north east of Scotland.
Gordon and his team had already prepared the panels by repairing and filling defects. The smooth sanding of panels and careful painting of the wheels had also been carried out.
Equipped with old photos and memories for reference, we went to work and started with the roof. The bus painting involved undercoating before two coats of gloss to achieve a solid finish.
Brushing went into the night to build up coats of orange. Detailing was next, by adding the all-around white stripe that required three coats. Panels were then lettered in vinyl graphics. The graphics matched the original livery and the finishing touch was an authentic lower rear poster, encouraging 1970s folk to hop on and travel.
The result dazzled not only passers-by but judges too. The single decker won the Roland Williams award for the best bus at Lathalmond’s Scottish Vintage Bus Museum.
Are you searching for bus painting in Dundee and the surrounding areas? Contact me to find out more.